Contemporary farm art. Digital mixed media. Michael Murray Art . 2023.

42" x 28" . Framed in charcoal black with a double mount by Loxley Colour. Made to order

30" x 20" . Framed in charcoal black with a double mount by Loxley Colour. Made to order.

Detail .
Toy fractor at window, tractor detail on bench, tiny rabbit in pot, door handle and key hole (big wheel little wheel), mountains reflection, light shades (big wheel little wheel).

Balloons reflection, rabbit at window, drawing of tractor on window, turbines, blue horses, tractor wind vane, circles on roof (big wheel little wheel). barn owl and crows in circular shape.

Big wheel little wheel sign (dot on I and o of cottage) paints dots on gate n large and small circles, large and small circular puddles, wih large and small circular stones, trailer full of ball pit balls including one large yellow one, one large dandelion made of large and small circles, and a smaller one on the left hand side.

Tiny red tractor in the tiny barn, old fashioned tractor wheel as pond/paddling pool, two balls, one large one small, tractor bbq, cottage on centre of pond, and as a birdhouse, sunflower at window.

Two balloons one large and one small to represent big wheel little wheel.

Large tractor tyre as sand pit, one large beach ball and one smaller on the other side, tractor tyres as a swing in the background, chocolate ice cream in the bucket, tractor gate lock on the gate.

Lots of stones in shapes often seen in toddlers games (cubes, cylinders, crosses, hexagons, and cicles, large and small to represent big wheel little wheel.

Michael Murrayson Tractor brand as a nod to Massey Ferguson which originates from the the same area where I grew up and as the picture was created for and assisted by my son.

Alternative framing. Grey with double white mount.
Contemporary farm art. Features include tractors, barn owl, wind turbines, and many many balls and circles, representing big wheels and little wheels, which in an abstract way represent parenthood. It was actually a collaboration between my son and I . It was his idea to have a blue tractor, and blue horses and rabbits. Textured using photographs from walls around Kelvingrove park, and specifically Kelvingrove museum. A very complex, time consuming, and original piece, perfect for those lovers of tractors and farms.
Available framed or unframed in the print shop. Made to order, and shipped directly from the printers and framers, Loxley Colour.
Special personalised private versions can also be created on request. See here for more details .
Medium - digital 3d fine art.
Resolution - 11400 pixels x 7800 pixels.
Size - various
Frame - various
Contemporary art prints. Michael Murray Art. 2023